The Kabalistic and Occult Philosophy of Eliphas Levi - Volume 1: Letters to Students

The Kabalistic and Occult Philosophy of Eliphas Levi - Volume 1: Letters to Students
Author: Eliphas Levi
Total Pages: 618
Release: 2015-04-25
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 132909364X

This Volume is a compilation of 196 letters from Eliphas Levi to three different students: -1 letter to Mme. Hutchinson -10 letters to Mr. Montaut (also known as ""The Elements of the Kabalah"") -185 letters to the Baron Spedalieri These letters cover a variety of subjects and are presented in a Bilingual format (English side-by-side with the original French) with copious footnotes and illustrations to help the student grasp the subject matter. Although many of these letters have been published in English before, this is a new translation of them all. This collection is a wonderful way to see into the heart of the Author and contain insights into his Transcendental Philosophy. ""The effect which I await for you (from my epistolary lessons) will be the understanding of my books which contain the whole doctrine, but in an abridged and succinct form.""

The Kabalistic and Occult Tarot of Eliphas Levi

The Kabalistic and Occult Tarot of Eliphas Levi
Author: Eliphas Levi
Total Pages: 334
Release: 2013-02-28
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1300783117

This is a compilation of Eliphas Levi's writings on the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot and their corresponding Hebrew letters. It includes the ""Magic Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum,"" some extracts from the ""Major Keys and the Clavicles of Solomon"" and the Editor's Appendix is a large collection of Levi's drawings and diagrams for easy reference. "The science of signs begins with the science of letters. Letters are absolute ideas. Absolute ideas are numbers. Numbers are perfect signs. In using ideas with numbers, one can operate upon the ideas like one can operate upon number and arrive at the mathematics of truth. The tarot is the key of letters and numbers..." "Now, the tarot that we have today ... has come to us from Egypt passing through Judea. The keys of this tarot, in fact, correspond with the letters of the hebraic alphabet, and some of its figures even reproduce the same form of the characters of this sacred alphabet."

The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn (Srpski Prevod)

The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn (Srpski Prevod)
Author: Neven Paar
Publisher: Winged Shoes Publishing
Total Pages: 399
Release: 2024-05-04
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 1998071251

The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn je kulminacija mog duhovnog putovanja kroz Tradiciju Zapadnih Misterija nakon doživljenog potpunog i trajnog buđenja Kundalini. Jednom kada sam se pridružio tajnoj i ezoterijskoj školi zvanoj Zlatna Zora (Golden Dawn), upoznao sam se sa Ceremonijalnom Magijom — praksom Duhovne Alhemije, koja je usmerena na podešavanje i čišćenje Čakri — čija je krajnja svrha lična transformacija i Prosvetljenje. Otkrio sam da prakticiranje ove svete umetnosti prizivanja energije nije samo umanjilo intenzivan strah i anksioznost koje sam doživeo nakon buđenja Kundalini, već je i deset puta intenzivnije podstaklo moj duhovni napredak u kratkom vremenskom periodu. Zbog toga sam se posvetio savladavanju celokupnog Sistema Zlatne Zore. Nakon što sam vodio grupu Zlatna Zora u Torontu, Ontario, napustio sam organizovani sistem, ali sam nastavio da predajem Ceremonijalnu Magiju drugim tragačima za Svetlošću. Shvatio sam da svetu nedostaje jedinstven i sveobuhvatan sistem Magije koji kombinuje Istočnu duhovnost i Zapadne Misterije, čija je prezentacija jasna i koncizna, bez uobičajenih teško razumljivih okultnih konotacija. Ono što se pojavilo je Magus — univerzalna nauka o energiji u kojoj svi učestvujemo kao ljudska bića. Ne morate da budete deo Magijskog reda da biste dobili punu korist od iniciranja u energije našeg Sunčevog sistema. Sve što se može steći vežbanjem Ceremonijalne Magije, može se uraditi iz udobnosti Vašeg doma. Ako posvetite deset minuta dnevno ovoj praksi, možete značajno napredovati u svojoj duhovnoj evoluciji. Vežbe Ceremonijalne Magije u Magusu, predstavljene su kao deo programa Duhovne Alhemije čiji je cilj da vam pomognu da se povežete sa svojim „Višim Ja“ i iskoristite svoj najveći potencijal kao duhovnog ljudskog bića. Ovi programi idu ruku pod ruku sa predavanjima znanja o Kabali, Pet Elemenata, Sedam Čakri, Astrologiji, Tarotu, Gatanju, Meditaciji, Hermetičkoj Filozofiji i Alhemiji, Hrišćanskim i Egipatskim Misterijama, Enohijanskoj Magiji i još mnogo toga. Magus takođe sadrži bogato znanje o Kundalini iz istočne i zapadne perspektive. Kroz rad u Magusu, Vaša veza sa Stvoriteljem jača, što rezultira povećanjem Vaše lične moći i sposobnošću da manifestujete život kakav oduvek želite. Kada postanete najbolja verzija sebe, možete postati heroj svoje priče i doživeti radost i uzbuđenje života. Krajnji cilj Magusa je završetak Velikog Dela, što podrazumeva proširenje i ujedinjenje individualne svesti sa Kosmičkom Svešću.

Transcendental Magic

Transcendental Magic
Author: Eliphas Levi
Publisher: Weiser Books
Total Pages: 476
Release: 1968-01-15
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 9780877280798

This is Eliphas Levi's (1810-1875) best-known book. This work arguably made Levi THE most influential writer on magic since the Renaissance. Originally issued in French, the English translator is A.E. Waite and it is doubtful that anyone else could have better captured the essence of Levi's work. The book is divided in two parts; the first is theoretical, the second practical. This is a fascinating and often debated work involving a discussion that covers almost the entire realm of Ritual and High Magic.

An abyss separates the teachings of Eliphas Levi with those of Eastern Occultism

An abyss separates the teachings of Eliphas Levi with those of Eastern Occultism
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 21
Release: 2019-09-17
Genre: Religion

The knowledge possessed by Western Occultists of the Esoteric Philosophy, and their range of perceptions and thought of the Eastern Occultism, is very superficial. By stating that “Above the dark abyss were the Waters,” Eliphas Levi leads the student away from the right track. For it changes entirely the core characteristics of Cosmogony, and brings it down to a level with exoteric Genesis — perhaps it was so stated with an eye to this result. In order to clarify that “Above the Breath appeared the Light,” Levi gives a figure that any Eastern Occultist would not hesitate to pronounce it a “left hand” magic figure. His left-hand magic figure is herein reversed. At the dawn of a new Manvantara, perpetual Motion becomes Breath; from the Breath comes forth primordial Light which brings forth the Thought concealed in Darkness, and this becomes the Word, from which this Universe sprang into being. The learned Abbé had a decided tendency to anthropomorphize creation. He ignores the first stage of evolution and imagines a secondary chaos. But in the face of the task Levi had set before himself — that of reconciling Jewish Magic with Roman Ecclesiasticism — he could say nothing else. Not only are his explanations unsatisfactory and misleading (in his published works they are much worse) but his Hebrew transliteration is entirely wrong. The philosophy that the French Magus gives out as Kabbalistic is simply mystical Roman Catholicism adapted to the Christian Kabbalah. Clearly, Levi’s Kabbalah is mystic Christianity, not Occultism. The material Universe was built by Water, say the Kabbalists who know the difference between the “two waters “— the Waters of Life and those of “Salvation” — so confused together in dogmatic religions. Moses and Thales said that only earth and water can bring forth a living Soul, water being on this plane the Principle of all things. In Egypt Osiris was Fire, and Isis was the Earth or, its synonym, Water, the two opposing elements (because of their opposite properties) being necessary to each other for a common object — that of procreation. The earth needs solar heat and rain to make her throw out her germs. But these procreative properties of Fire and Water, or Spirit and Matter, are symbols only of physical generation.

The Doctrine and Ritual of Transcendental Magic

The Doctrine and Ritual of Transcendental Magic
Author: Eliphas Levi
Total Pages: 264
Release: 2019-10-11
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1773563475

A landmark work in the theory and practice of the occult, Levi lays out the basic philosophy and practice of magic. While this work may be considered controversial in some circles, it is a useful tool for anyone that wants to get a basic understanding of what lays beyond the veil of magic and power. Although this kind of work can be dangerous to those that are unprepared for what lays within, those that want to understand a side of society that is often looked down on, this would be a good starting point.